Version 0.1

Vortrag: Reinventing the Init System


systemd is the init system of most of today's big Linux distributions. In this presentation I'll provide you with a brief overview of what an init system is supposed to do, we'll discuss what preceded systemd, what systemd brings to the table and the struggle to get systemd adopted across the Linux ecosystem.

systemd is the init system of most of today's big Linux distributions. In this presentation I'll provide you with a brief overview of what an init system is supposed to do, we'll discuss what preceded systemd, what systemd brings to the table and the struggle to get systemd adopted across the Linux ecosystem.

This talk will be a mixture of an introductory technical presentation as well as a look at the historical context.

Relevant keywords are system (obviously…), init, service management, linux, system manager, boot process.


Tag: 29.04.2017
Anfang: 09:15 Uhr
Dauer: 00:25
Room: G.AP147.005
Track: Keynote
Sprache: en



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